Monday, November 7, 2016

How to Weight Loss

Slim people eat breakfast.

That’s an indisputable fact, according to a new study from Cornell University. When researchers surveyed 147 slender people who said they’d never had to struggle with their weight, they found that a whopping 96 percent of them ate breakfast nearly every day. (Among the general population, about 28 percent of men and 18 percent of women ages 18 to 34 skip breakfast every day, according to a study by The NPD Group.)

But it’s not just eating breakfast that makes slender people seem “naturally skinny.” People who manage their weight well tend to eat similar things for breakfast. Fifty-one percent of the slim people surveyed said that on a typical day, their breakfast included a serving of fruit. Forty-one percent said they ate dairy; other popular choices were cold cereal (33%), bread (32%), eggs (31%), and hot cereal (29%). And, in one very interesting finding, only 26% of slim people said they started their day with coffee.

To help you start blasting belly fat first thing in the morning, Eat This, Not That! dove into the research and uncovered these 46 best-ever weight loss breakfast foods. And for more easy ways to boost your calorie burn before noon, don't miss these 


Imagine going an entire workday without drinking a thing. That's what's hapening after a good night's sleep—you wake up dehydrated, making what you drink the first most important decision of the day. Here's our top for picks for what to imbibe.



One reason slim people stay slender is that they avoid the “Frappuccino”—which is an exotic way of saying you’re drinking two ice cream cones worth of calories while catching a caffeine buzz. If you absolutely must have your morning buzz, perk yourself up with a nonfat, unsweetened iced coffee instead. And if your sweet tooth must be satisfied, ask your barista to add in two pumps of your favorite flavored syrup to your cup instead of the Frap’s four (we like caramel). This simple swap will save you more than 400 calories and a whopping 53 grams of the sweet stuff—that’s more sugar than you’ll find in three Starbucks’ chocolate croissants.


Trim people love their protein shakes—and it's easy to see why: Thanks to their high protein content, they aid weight maintenance by boosting calorie burn and satiety and preserving lean muscle mass. They’re also packed with additional essential nutrients that keep your skin, hair, bones and heart healthy. Better yet, there's no prep work or cleanup, and they’re easy to sip on the go. But when getting a flat belly is your goal, choosing the right protein powder is key. Because whey is a dairy derivative—and commercial preparations tend to contain all manner of funky chemicals—protein powders that use this source as a base can lead to bloat. Plant protein powders, like those used in Zero Belly Diet, won’t, and they’re also less likely to include nasty artificial sweeteners. Not sure how to use the stuff? Pick up a copy of 

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