Sunday, November 13, 2016


So what exactly, you ask, should you eat? "Improving your eating habits is a process of being practical, not perfect,” says Julie Odato, certified personal trainer and Program Director at Jump Start Retreats in the Catskills. “There are some specific foods that, realistically you know you will not live without. So, work with that. Keep that food to once a week or once a month instead of failing at never [eating it].” Or indugle guilt-free with these 50 Best Snacks for Weight Loss !

“Despite what some people may believe, healthy eating doesn’t require complex recipes — or any recipes at all. I make it a point to cook a lot of lean proteins, veggies and a high quality grains like quinoa so when my day slips away, I always have healthy pre-cooked foods on hand to throw together to make a meal," says chef Devin Alexander, of NBC's The Biggest Loser. “When I’m working with a client who is particularly busy," adds Paula Hankin, Manhattan-based chef, "I always suggest keeping Protein Bowl ingredients on hand. I might recommend salmon and chicken as healthy lean proteins, and then I’ll instruct them to pair their meat of choice with leafy greens, a hard-boiled egg, sliced fruit, and nuts or seeds. If everything is prepped ahead of time, all they have to do it throw the stuff into a bowl before they eat. It's so simple and quick!”

For every 10 grams of carbohydrate listed on the label, look for at least one gram of fiber. Why 10:1? That’s the ratio of carbohydrate to fiber in a genuine, unprocessed whole grain. The recommendation comes from a study published in the journal Public Health Nutrition that evaluated hundreds of grain products; foods that met the 10:1 ratio had have less sugar, sodium, and trans fats than those that didn’t. Speaking of magical ratios, find out  How Maria Menonous Lost 40 Ponds !

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