Monday, November 7, 2016

10-Minute Facial Exercises That Will Take Years Off Your Face

So How Easy Is It?

 I first discovered facial exercises back in the 90s. The skin on my face had started to droop as I was approaching forty, and I noticed that the lines around my mouth were becoming more prominent. I had used creams and moisturisers for years, but all this seemed to do was make my skin soft; it had no effect on the skin that was beginning to droop.

Thanks to advertising, I became aware of electronic facial exercisers or toners, which were said to help sagging by sending electrical currents through your skin and jump-starting, if you like, the muscles underneath.

So I started to look into them. The one thing that I did discover was the fact that the skin on your face is actually attached to your face muscles. This may sound obvious, but in fact it is not the norm. Other muscles around your body actually "slide" under the skin to make sure that your body works like clockwork. Whereas on your face, the muscles are connected by a network of veins, skin and capillaries that work together.

This is shown whenever you smile, frown, or pull a face. If the muscles were not attached to the skin, then you would notice the skin gliding over the muscles when you do this.

The electronic facial exercisers are really good buys, purely because all you have to do is place them on or around the muscle that you wish to stimulate and they do it for you, by sending a small electrical pulse through the skin. But these are not for everybody. Some people don't like the idea of zapping their face with electricity! And others can't use them because of certain illnesses or medication that they take.

Also at this time I began to realise that, actually, the more creams and lotions that you put on your face the saggier your skin becomes. If you think about it, what happens when you put a paper bag in water? It begins to get soggy and stretch.

And this is what happens if you put too much moisturiser on your face. Especially if it is one of the really thick creams that seem to stick to your skin and you have to wipe off. It's not so bad if you use lotions because they actually evaporate quite quickly, keeping your face firmer for longer.

Natural Facial Exercises were the best thing for me. After only one week of practising the exercises I noticed that the lines around my mouth had disappeared! It was fantastic! The skin looked younger, and underneath my eyes the skin was smoother, and not beginning to go baggy as it had been.

I was converted! Now I do these exercises every day.

Let's Get Started


Before you start, make sure that you apply a small amount of moisturiser to your face. Also rub some into your finger tips too. This will stop you tearing or pulling the skin.

There are three exercises for your forehead.

1. Place your fingers on your eyelids to keep them in place and then raise your eyebrows. Do this ten times. When you are used to the exercise you can just do it without using your fingers.

2. Stare straight ahead and pull your forehead tight, as though you are trying to bring it back over the top of your head. Hold the position for ten seconds then do it again.

3. This one is a bit more difficult. Pull forehead back as in the above exercise. Then try to lift each eyebrow separately. Do each eyebrow ten times.

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