These brands boast strong demand, a department store history, international awareness and an opportunity for wide-scale distribution. Cosmetics and/or distribution experience is a plus. Color Me Beautiful Brands provides training, marketing and ground breaking information on pro-active sales.
Based on the #1 New York Times bestseller, this brand has lead the way in customizing color cosmetics for and individual's unique coloring. This approach makes choosing perfect products easy, it builds long term customer relationships.Industry leader in color cosmetics for more than 25 years.
Specializes in personalized makeup colors based on one's hair and eye coloring and skin tone.
84% name recognition among U.S women ages 35 to 55.

Color cosmetics and skin care designed for women of color. Leading the way with the best quality products and color selections enhance the exotic beauty of the woman of color.Also features unique and natural break-through products which even skin tone and brightens skin within 30 days.
Flori Roberts has 93% name recognition in the United States.

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